after all these years, Chevy Chase, I was finally inside you.
Took a mini-road trip up through D.C. and up into New York City. Passed through this little crown jewel of a town. Also took a detour to a small winery. The wine wasn't very good (which is why I'm not mentioning their name. The owner was really very sweet and I felt bad that I didn't like her wine.) It sat in the hot car for most of the road trip, so now it tastes kind of like spicy red vinegar. (What kind of wine, Tiff? Cab Franc. Virginia grown.)
Saw the Daily Show, live and in-person. His desk is tiny. He looks shorter/older in person. But he's spot-on. He steps out onto that set, and he's Jon Fucking Stewart. He's got a clever answer for everything. He makes you laugh, then makes you think, then makes you laugh some more. Just like the show. I left impressed.
The wine is better after a few sips, BTW. But then, it always is.
P.S. I think I'm going to start updating this thing more. Stand by.